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Individual Attention

The classroom environment at Stratford allows your childs’ educators to give them the time and attention that they need in order to succeed. We believe in keeping class numbers low to maximum learning potential.

Fantastic Facilities

Each student has access to the best possible learning technologies, as well having guest classes from industry professionals. We believe this better prepares your child for their careers or own businesses.

Life Long Learning

We believe in equipping your children with the skills to be able to learn for the rest of their lives! By instilling in them a method of analytical thinking, we believe they will be able to be independent thinkers and be high performers in their chosen careers.

Our Success


Since we opened in 2017 we’ve seen the lives changed of over 1000 students.


If our students don’t succeed, then we haven’t done our job. Our students have a 100% University acceptance rate!


Year on year we have consistently produced the results you are looking for for 5 consecutive years.

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#강남란제리룸 #강남퍼블릭 #강남룸싸롱

#강남룸 #강남유흥 #강남가라오케

#강동오피best #건대오피 #노원오피

About Us

We are Stratford, a place of educational excellence.

We equip your children for their chosen field of study and careers with lifelong learning skills.


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